Choose Your Plan

Get started with Crafter and experience the power of a seamless workflow

Crafter Lite


Work faster and better by creating tickets easily

  • Unlimited uploads + ticket generation (can upload up to 10mb document)
  • Access to all supported document formats
  • Unlimited edits + save
  • Unlimited CSV downloads
  • Unlimited exports to Jira

Crafter Pro

(Coming Soon)

We are working on this and it is coming in soon.

  • Enhanced automation capabilities, with your sprints and backlog, streamlining your project management like never before.
  • Crafter Pro will be an improvement of all the amazing features we currently offer.
  • Be the first to know when it launches.

Frequently asked questions

We've compiled a list of the most common queries and concise answers to help you get the most out of Crafter.

What is Crafter and how does it help my team?

How much time does Crafter save me from creating and managing tasks?

How does Crafter ensure the accuracy and completeness of the extracted tasks?

How can Crafter help me understand the technical aspects of a project?

Supercharged task generator

We streamline the process of generating meaningful tasks for you and your team. Simply upload your documents and let your AI assistant handle the rest.